Advanced Trainings

Restorative Wellness Solutions
ThetaHealing Basic DNA
Metta Muscle Testing Method
Certified Gluten Practitioner
The Nourish Method
Alchemy of Breath
Supplement Academy
The Embody Lab
Epidemic Answers
NZ Yoga Collective

Restorative Wellness Solutions
Restorative Wellness Solutions is a comprehensive functional nutrition certification program for qualified health professionals. Achieve outstanding results with even your most complicated clients.
Mastering the Art and Science of Gastrointestinal Healing is our hallmark course that teaches the use of advanced clinical tools such as lab testing, results interpretation, and customised protocol development to resolve even the most complicated gastrointestinal issues.
Mastering the Art and Science of Gastrointestinal Healing
The RWS curriculum and training includes the most up-to-date and effective lab testing, critical test result interpretation, and experienced guidance for creative the most effective customized healing protocols.
How to connect with and keep clients for life: from practice optimisation to essential client
relationship-building skillsRestore GI function and integrity through testing and interpretation of comprehensive stool
analysis, GI-MAP, H. pylori and SIBO testingUnderstand the various testing methods for food reactions and master the exclusive RWS approach to healing food sensitivities once and for all
When and how to use healing foods, supplements, and specific healing diets such as GAPS, low FODMAPS, ketogenic, intermittent fasting, anti-microbial and others
Understand bio-individuality and its practical application to nutrient balancing
The missing link: Assess and address the emotional components that impact cellular health and behavior
Tuition: $4,000USD*
Weekly Live Webinars: 10 hours
Total Course time: 74 hours*may be subject to currency fluctuation

Psych-K ®
Our beliefs are so important, they underpin everything we do and they create our reality. PSYCH-K® & NTA both recognise the importance of our beliefs as the foundation of our emotional wellness, our empowerment and our healing.
As a PSYCH-K® Facilitator you are equipped with simple, effective and repeatable balances to support lasting subconscious change and transformation for yourself and your clients. When you change your beliefs …you change your reality.
The 3 day PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop begins by demonstrating the importance of beliefs, the potential effect of limiting beliefs and why everyone needs a tool to be able to rewrite any limiting patterns and programs. We review the left and right hemispheres of the brain, the layers of consciousness and how they are designed to function. We explain the PSYCH-K® terminology and the reasons why it works which provides context and meaning as you learn PSYCH-K®.
Then we build on this foundation and move into the practical component of learning the balances. As well as learning these simple techniques (that you then have for the rest of your life!) you get to experience the balancing and personal transformation. The workshop follows a pattern where each new step is explained then demonstrated and then practiced. Each of the two balances in the Basic Workshop are taught step by step. Practice is prioritised to ensure you finish the workshop confident to facilitate PSYCH-K®
We use muscle testing to communicate with the subconscious and superconscious in PSYCH-K®. We use muscle testing with a partner and self-muscle testing. You will also learn the language of the subconscious mind and how to clarify information to the subconscious mind.
The 3 days we spend together is a delightful mix of strength and vulnerability, compassion and humour. It is as private as each participant would like it to be and simultaneously is a profound and shared experience. The workshop folder material provides easy to follow, step by step guides. Typically it only takes about 5 - 10 minutes to do a balance. Everything you need to facilitate PSYCH-K® is provided.
Your subconscious mind loves you to bits! All it wants to do is show you how perfect and right you are! However it has ZERO ability to analyse…it is not meant to analyse… and no matter how many self help books we read it never will! It is the habitual mind - its your auto-pilot! It simply cannot tell the difference between a limiting belief and an empowering belief. That’s why everyone deserves to understand the universal workings of the subconscious mind and have the tools for change whenever they need it. PSYCH-K® is the best tool for the job that I have ever found & I look forward to sharing it with you!
On completion of the PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop you can facilitate PSYCH-K® for a fee with clients, this workshop does not qualify you to teach PSYCH-K® - full details in the workshop agreement.
You may only commence the PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop once fully graduated from FNTP training.
Investment: $1,890 AUD
Duration of workshop: 3 full days -
Once you have completed the Psych-K Basic Workshop there are two additional levels of training you may complete to advance your skills.
Master Facilitation $2,250 AUD
Advanced Psych-K $2,250 AUD
If you have completed the basic training, two further training programs are available to you - these must be completed in the sequence listed. Both advanced trainings are four days in length.

ThetaHealing Basic DNA
Master the Healing art to tackle the subconscious, emotional and hereditary components that can sabotage a person’s health and can unconsciously make a person hold onto suffering, stress, illness, disease, food intolerances and/or disorders.
Learn how to tap into your innate power and reprogram the subconscious mind to create wellness from within.
With this technique you can clear up inner blockages, obstacles and limiting patterns in the deepest of your core and those of your clients. ThetaHealing-Techniques work on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
Basic DNA is the first course to certify you as a ThetaHealing Practitioner. The course introduces ThetaHealing techniques, how powerful our thoughts are and focuses on the understanding that we are all connected.
We will explore techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historical, and soul beliefs, either self-inflicted or externally imposed. We believe you inherit beliefs and emotions from your ancestors. At this level, we call the genetic level; attendees experience an opening to the Unconditional Love of the Creator.
You will learn to identify your own beliefs and practice pulling them for others taking the course. This practice can quickly reveal belief systems, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones.View Course Overview here
This course is available to graduates of the FNTP Diploma program.
It is for everyone who would like to have more control over his or her own life and health and can also steer both in the desired direction; for self-coaching / healing / anti-self-sabotage / manifestation, for personal and/or professional development.
for Parents (also think about what you don't want to pass on to your children)
for Coaches and Therapists; coaching/healing others
Animal lovers; healing for animals
Learn more about ThetaHealing from Manon De Jongh here.
A Basic DNA ThetaHealing course will run at an agreed date as soon as the facilitator has a minimum of 3 students interested.
Course runs over 5 consecutive days, for 3 1/2 hours per day (usually runs in evenings). 5 consecutive days is the maximum number of days the Basic workshop can be taught over.
Delivery is through Live Webinars. Total Training = 17.5 hours.
After participating in this training you will receive an official certificate from THInK , the ThetaHealing Institute. This makes you an official Basic DNA ThetaHealing®-Practitioner.
You may only commence the Basic DNA ThetaHealing once fully graduated from FNTP training.
Investment: $695 AUD
This includes the manual and the basic book by Vianna Stibal. Timely registration ensures your place in the training.
Duration of workshop: 3 full days

Metta Muscle Testing Method
Through this work we can bring our intelligent and compassionate care to all who would seek us out whether they are in our local community or across the globe.
Metta Muscle Testing Method uses simple Applied Kinesiology skills adapted for remote or distance work. With agreement, intention, and intelligence we can use these techniques to acquire direct information from another’s energy field to make effective bio individual protocols best suited to their unique constitution.
This course is for FNTP graduates wishing to learn muscle testing for both personal and clinical use. It is geared for FNTP's who make dietary and supplemental protocols professionally.
Using the techniques laid out in this course you can do functional assessments without touch or even being in the same room. If you have ever wanted to include an online extension to your practice- you can!
For those who have been Health and Nutrition Coaches online, you may never have considered muscle testing to be relevant to your practice. This work makes muscle testing accessible and applicable in an online only environment adding a level of depth and accuracy to your recommendations.
Section One – Introduction
Section Two - The Basics
Two-handed Techniques
Single-handed Techniques
Pendulum Basics
The Body Pendulum
Using the Body Pendulum
Organ Scan
Full Body Scan
Section Three - Advanced Magic
New Skills
Building Protocols
Dosing Technique
Section Four - Specific Testing for NTPs
Using the FCA Tools with MMTM
Section Five – Practitioner Self Care
Grounding, Thymus Thump, Meridian Balancing
Section Six – Making the Energetic Connection
You Are No Longer You
Section Seven - Ready to Start
Complete Client Session
The course is self-paced and includes a 72-page eBook with 15 videos. The eBook prints beautifully if you would like to take full advantage of the worksheets included for notetaking, tracking your progress, and results.
When you finish the course, you will have a short assignment to fill out and send in to receive your Certificate of Completion.
NTA offers 3.5 CEUs for this certificate.
Tuition: $490 AUD
Metta is a self-paced course that can be commenced at any time.

Supplement Academy
Empowering health professionals worldwide make educated supplement choices with confidence and ease by providing the most comprehensive courses on supplements in the world.
Though its foundation is functional nutrition, FNTP’s also must navigate the world of therapeutic supplementation to support their clients. That is exactly where the Supplement Academy program comes in.
It was created so practitioners worldwide—like you!--can navigate the ever-changing world of supplements with confidence and ease year after year.
Do you want to be able to identify supplements that meet your quality standards with 100% accuracy, freeing you from needing to import supplements?
Do you want to know the EXACT what-when-where-why-how of optimal supplement use in clinical practice, taking your clinical skills to the next level
And do you want to gain these skills in a community environment with 24/7 access to expert support?
This and MUCH more are exactly why founder, Kate Mahoney, created the Supplement Academy and its courses.
If you don’t know her, Kate Mahoney is a former NTA instructor [who even taught for NTA AU/NZ!] and a supplement expert with 25+ combined years of extensive education and professional experience in the areas of supplement quality and the therapeutic use of supplements in clinical practice.
She created the globally-focused Supplement Academy courses for health professionals around the world who want to,
Easily identify supplements that meet YOUR specific quality standards with 100% accuracy
Understand the what-when-why-where-how of functional supplement use
All while having direct access to Kate’s expertise in a supportive community
You can learn more about the comprehensive 15-week Supplement Academy curriculum here.
Supplement Academy alum share their experiences here.
You can get an idea of Kate’s personality and instructor style here.
Upon successful completion of the Supplement Academy courses, you will receive
Level 1 SQS certification and use of the professional SQS designation
Level 2 FSS certification and use of the professional FSS designation
60 Continuing Education hours (30 for each course)
Because NTA AU/NZ holds a special place in Kate’s heart, she provides a tuition discount to NTA AU/NZ students! This tuition discount is only available when the Supplement Academy courses are included as part of your NTA AU/NZ registration. If you enroll in the Supplement Academy courses elsewhere, regular tuition fees are required to enroll.
NTA AU/NZ Tuition: $2166 AUD
Normal Tuition: $2600 AUDCourse Duration: 15 week program
Time Commitment: 6 hours per week
Weekly Live Classes: 12 hours
Total Continuing Education Hours: 60

Alchemy of Breath
The Breath is the greatest gift we have been given, and as Facilitators we become true agents of change.
The Alchemy of Breath Facilitator Program is an invitation to the most complete, compelling and comprehensive path of personal development and professional breathwork online training available.
You are embarking on a journey to mastery; to become the author of your life experience, to step into your greatness and to learn skills of compassionate leadership, no matter the situation.
Whether you’re a complete novice or a competent facilitator already, this training will meet you where you are and take you to the level of mastery that Alchemy of Breath represents. Together we will develop your strengths to meet your biggest challenges – because that’s where your greatest gifts lie. There are thousands of people that need exactly the guidance and support that you can give as a result of your journey to mastery.
Each AoB Breathwork Coach is unique because the training honours you for who you are. Join the Yoga teachers, doctors, lawyers, psychotherapists, bodyworkers, Nurses, Life Coaches, Reiki practitioners and others that have become AoB Facilitators with no previous experience.
Alchemy of Breath Breathwork Training in conjunction with NTA AU/NZ is offering a discount on their Certified Breathwork Facilitator program to all NTA AU/NZ grads.
The 8-month Facilitator Training is a 400-hour course, consisting of live online class time, videos, podcasts, study time with a study-buddy and lots of Breathwork practice!
This online course regular tuition fee is $7920 USD however for applicants who apply through NTA AU/NZ this course will be discounted to $5800 USD*
*May be subject to currency fluctuation
Don’t have time to do the full facilitator training but feel called to be guided on a deep inner journey of transformation through Breathwork?
The 4-month online Inner Journey Course is for those who do not want to be a facilitator but wish to explore Breathwork for their own personal healing.
You can learn more about the Inner Journey Course and register here.

Epidemic Answers Health Coach
Epidemic Answers presents, 'Healing the New Childhood Epidemics' an online training course for health coaches and parents.
Thirty years ago, very few people had heard of diagnoses like ADHD or autism. Today, these are household words. These illnesses, and others like them, are just the earliest signs of an epidemic of historic proportions that is affecting our children. Children are being diagnosed with chronic illnesses (such as autism, asthma, allergies, diabetes, ADHD and many others) at a breathtaking rate, and even more undiagnosed children suffer silently.
At Epidemic Answers, we know that working with an integrative health coach can be an invaluable part of the healing and recovery process for many families. So many of our children’s chronic conditions can be improved through diet and lifestyle interventions, something that is squarely in the wheelhouse of integrative health coaches. We also know that children are different and their developmental needs require careful consideration and we are passionate and enthusiastic about connecting families to health coaches.
Today, few health training programs include curriculum that specifically addresses the needs of families with children affected by the “new childhood epidemics.” Epidemic Answers understands the special needs of these families and we aim to help health professionals provide the best support for these families through our online training course.
Learn more about Epidemic Answers in this Interview with Beth Lambert.
The Epidemic Answers Health Coach Training Course provides a review of the following topics in 10 classes:
The causes of the "new childhood epidemics"
Ways to support a family dealing with a child's chronic condition
Underlying physiological imbalances commonly seen in the "new childhood epidemics"
Reducing the "total load" to help children heal
Using diet and nutrition to help heal affected children
Bio-individuality and pathways to healing
Prioritising therapies
Guiding parents through lab work
Recognising the importance of integrating mind, body and spirit
Rules for working with clients
Each lesson is accompanied by reading materials, activities, resources and an online quiz.
Graduates who hold a Diploma qualification with NTA AU/NZ and complete the Epidemic Answers training program are invited to join the Epidemic Answers Health Coach Directory, an easy way to generate leads for new clients and to connect with families in need.
Students and Graduates of the Epidemic Answers Online Course are eligible to join a Private Facebook Group to share knowledge and offer support.
Epidemic Answers is a Preferred Partner of NTA AU/NZ and NTA Graduates can earn 24 CEU credits by completing the Epidemic Answers Training Program. In addition, anyone who is a Board Certified Health coach can get 9.5 CEU credits from the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches when they graduate from our online course.
Tuition: $949 USD*
This includes 10 online lessons, reading materials, a course packet containing invaluable handouts and worksheets that can be used in your coaching practice and two full-length books.
The course is self-guided. It is suggested that coaches take no more than one lesson per week to allow time to read and view all required materials.
*May be subject to currency fluctuation

The Embody Lab
This unique program is designed for individuals, practitioners and educators wanting to explore a somatic approach to attachment based therapy: including a deeper understanding of the body’s relationship with developmental and relational wounding and healing.
Somatic Attachment therapy involves the way in which a person forms intimate bonds with themselves (embodiment), with other people, and the environment.
These bonds form the supportive foundation to be adaptive, learn and grow from new experiences, and flourish in one's goals and relationships.
When there has been a consistent presence and the felt sense of connection and safety this forms a secure relational attachment. A secure attachment provides an intrinsic feeling of safety, acceptance, and belonging; it becomes the bedrock, or foundational experience, from which a person can more easily grow and thrive.
However, when there has been an absence or interruption of that bond, an insecure attachment forms. This attachment trauma is wired into the nervous system in the form of our responses and reactivity to our environment and particularly our relationships within it .
And we carry this pain throughout life.
The adaptive strategies we form in response shapes our capacity to regulate our nervous system and emotional states. It also informs the way we interpret incoming information, and how we come to understand ourselves, the world around us, and the relationships we have.
In other words, our early attachment experience is acting itself out in our daily life, replaying in our relationships, our jobs, how we respond to stress, and even the way we treat ourselves and other people.
Relationships can inspire our deepest sense of connection, joy and belonging--both to ourselves and others.
They can also provoke our deepest insecurities, pains, and disconnection.
Bringing an embodied understanding and awareness to attachment trauma transforms these early wounds, creating an empathic relationship with ourselves and others.
This acquired secure attachment empowers us to live a life where our early attachment trauma doesn't define who we are or control our future relationships.
Somatic attachment therapy is not just about healing what went wrong, it's also about nurturing the skills to deepen what is going right.
A holistic approach to trauma defines attachment injury/wounding not as an event or a challenged relationship, but rather as a disruption and overwhelm to our body-mind’s capacity to feel safe, secure, cared for, and consistently connected with.
Attachment trauma may be less visible than other traumatic experiences. Our adaptive strategies for managing the trauma are deeply embedded in our adult lives, manifesting as patterns in our physiology, thoughts, behavior, and interactions with other people and our environment.
Attachment trauma might emerge in early childhood, adolescence or in our adult life as symptoms of anxiety, depression numbness, disconnection, defensiveness, or a sense that parts of your Self are numb, hidden, fractured, or inaccessible.
Attachment Trauma (wounding) can occur:
In the womb in response to the parents' physiology, specifically their capacity to regulate/ adapt to stressors in their life.
During crucial stages of a child's development where there is an absence or inconsistent experience of being attended to, attuned to, co-regulated with, or the child’s needs not being responded to.
Trans-generationally passed down.
From the loss of a loved one.
When our primal protective instincts, intuitions, and responses are thwarted.
When relational bonds have been ruptured and there is not enough time, space, or capacity to heal/ repair the rupture.
When there is too much stimulus too soon- in the hospital, home, environment, or social-cultural setting.
60 hour Certificate program
Run as a live program
Duration: Four month period
This program brings together world renowned somatic attachment therapy teachers to offer a holistic, body-centered method to healing wounds and trauma. This extraordinary program offers a collection of practical tools that guides the healing process for yourself and your work with others.
120-hour certificate program
Include 40 three-hour modules offered over 8 weekends
Total duration: 4 months (see link below for dates)
The certificate program is divided into eight modules
Foundations of MindBody Coaching
Fundamental MindBody Coaching Skills
Assessment in MindBody Coaching
MindBody Coaching Approaches for Individuals 1
MindBody Coaching Approaches for Individuals 2
MindBody Coaching Special Applications
MindBody Coaching Approaches for Individuals 3
Ethical and Professional Practice in MindBody Coaching
If you are feeling called to learn more, find next registrations and the price of the MindBody Coaching Certificate please see The Embody Lab here.

Certified Gluten Practitioner
The most comprehensive training possible for getting to the root cause of the body’s healing potential.
The Certified Gluten-free Practitioner Course combines an in-depth overview of autoimmunity, gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, protocols to address inflammation, intestinal permeability, functional lab testing, as well as, marketing strategies to grow your practice.
This course is for you if you want:
The highest education on gluten relation disorders
To support your clients so they can get back to living their lives
To love and support the human body as the magical healer it is
Use your knowledge to be a force for good - changing the way healing happens for so many people
Module 1: The Emergence of a new specialty - Autoimmunology
Module 2: The Stages of Development in the Spectrum of Autoimmunity
Module 3: Gluten Sensitivity is not limited to Intestinal Manifestations
Module 4: The differences between Celiac Disease, Gluten Sensitivity, and other wheat-related disorders
Module 5: Correcting Systemic Inflammation and Pathogenic Intestinal Permeability
Module 6: Predictive Autoimmunity - "An ounce of prediction is worth a pound of protocols"
Module 7: Review of protocols to address inflammation and compromised intestinal barrier function and gut flora
Module 8: Functional Lab Testing
Module 9: Building a better practice - business building, marketing strategies, and legal practices
Course Format
In this one-of-a-kind certified course, learn via video, audio, eGuides, and handouts designed to connect the dots between what we feed our body with and how the body expresses itself in neurological, digestive, and immune function. It ALL matters because it’s ALL connected.
You will receive over 15 hours of content and we update it as new research is available.
What do I receive when I complete the course?
After this course, you will become a Certified Gluten-free Practitioner! (CGP). Upon graduation, CGPs enjoy free lifetime access to the CGP Member Center. The member center includes:
Member Resource Center
Ongoing Training
Exclusive Discounts
Listing on THEDR.COM
Patient/Client Handouts
Facebook Group
How often do I need to renew my membership, and certification?
You never need to renew your membership.
We want our CGPs to stay at the forefront of autoimmunity and wheat-related disorders by learning about the newest research and clinical tools available. CGPs have the option to recertify every 3 years from their anniversary/graduation date for a very modest renewal fee. Renewing your certification also ensures that you keep your listing on the CGP map and retain permission to use the official CGP logo and branding materials.
Does the course qualify for an CEU's?
The CGP program is recognised for CEUs with the NTA.
The Tuition for the full program is $997 USD*
*May be subject to currency fluctuation
To enroll in the Certified Gluten Practitioner Course as a FNTP Graduate, please visit the CGP website here.

The Nourish Method
The training program for coaches to effectively and successfully resource their gray area drinking clients.
This program is for practitioners currently working with clients, who want to specialise in supporting their Gray Area Drinking clients.
If you are a coach and a former Gray Area Drinker- welcome, you'll love this training! However, you must have 12+ months of continuous sobriety (if drinking was a problem for you) before enrolling in this training.
If you have clients in front of you on a daily basis, you’re working with gray area drinkers – whether you realize it or not. Gray Area drinkers are people who frequently drink more than they want to be drinking.
This means they’re exhibiting a lot of the symptoms associated with excessive drinking like weight and sleep issues, hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression. But, they almost always slip through the cracks when it comes to getting the support they need.
Often the clients themselves aren’t entirely sure whether their drinking is a problem, and you’re stuck with tools that aren’t nuanced enough to pick up on the signs and start the conversation.
Seriously, if you want to run an experiment, instead of asking the usual “How many standard drinks do you have a week?” Try asking “When was the last time you took a break from alcohol?” This reveals so much more about your client’s relationship with alcohol, and its impact on their health.
It is the only professional development program offering real-world resources, recorded sessions (with real clients!), plus the science behind the problem and the solution. So practitioners like you can specialise and implement in just 7 weeks.
The course will include -
Live Training Sessions
Every Monday we’ll have a 90 minute live group training session on Zoom. There will be time for you to get all your questions answered during these weekly calls.
This is where you will learn the techniques to use to change your clients relationship with alcohol forever. And yes, these will be recorded, so if you can’t make it live, no problem!
Weekly Practice Sessions
Every Friday you’ll get actual case studies from real gray area drinking clients to practice your coaching.
Hone in on which questions to ask and how to guide effective coaching sessions.
You’ll practice this each week during our training call which will set you up to see various client needs, dynamics and unique situations that arise in coaching gray area drinkers.
Peers & Accountability
To make sure you get the most out of the training, you’ll pair up with another coach to create an accountability partnership and support in between training calls each week.
You'll also get peer-to-peer interaction in our private Facebook group so you're never alone.
Real World Resources
Power packed list of resource tools, and protocols (how to address challenges your clients have) which will give you more to offer and further enhance your client's results.
Comprehensive Training Manual
Quizzes & tests you can give your clients to mark progress, understand their trauma level, assess anxiety and depression markers, check neurotransmitter and mineral levels & create action steps with exercises from positive psychology to further customize your client action plans.
The Tools to Offer Your New Specialty
You'll learn how to establish value based fees and gear your business toward the Gray Area Drinker Community with intake and evaluation forms.
You will also learn how to
Assess Gray Area Drinkers
Work with the biochemical components of alcohol cravings
Regulate the nervous system
Navigate stumbling blocks
Work with the stress response
Expand your practice
And, you'll be learning from an instructor certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, The National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching and The Association for Addiction Professionals.
Your course creator and instructor is Jolene Park, a functional nutritionist, health coach, somatic yoga instructor, TED speaker and former gray area drinker.
Jolene has completed over 1,000 hours of continuing education in functional nutrition since 1999, facilitated corporate wellness workshops since 2004, and provided nutrition consultations for patients in internal medicine, neurology and family practice clinics since 2009. She has gone on to coach hundreds of high achieving professionals through their own gray area recovery process since 2016.
The Tuition for the course is $7,500 USD for 2024. When you mention you are an NTA AUNZ Graduate you will receive a discount code and your rate for Tuition will be $5,900 USD.
For more information and to register please head to The Nourish Method here.
NZ Yoga Collective
Yoga teacher training for your mind, body and soul.
The New Zealand Yoga Collective is a Yoga Alliance Accredited Yoga School offering 200 and 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training (RYT-200 and RYT-300) through our established community of Hot Yoga Wellington. We offer our experience and support in a fun, practical and nurturing way.
Our Teachers are committed to an integrated learning environment that weaves in the wisdom of yoga - an ancient science and art that transforms and integrates body, mind and spirit with practical awareness and intent.
Our Teacher Training occurs once a year and grants you a 200-hour RYT certificate for various styles including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin. During the 4-month training period, you will learn everything from anatomy and alignment to philosophy and pranayama to practical teaching approaches. Whether you want to become a teacher or just explore your yoga practice further, making the decision to join our Teacher Training will take you on an exciting journey of self-discovery and personal transformation.
Begins March 2025
Intro session, Four blocks – each consisting of 4-days, PV 2-day weekend workshop, Yin 2-day weekend workshop
You will learn...
How to teach and access various Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin asanas (poses) using the proper alignment, understanding the benefits and the risks.
The principles of anatomy and how they apply to each posture in a fun and creative way.
The relevance of the “8 Limb Path” firstly to one’s own practice and then how to use this within the teaching framework.
How to create a sequence or flow that builds appropriately and creates a sense of pace and energy.
How to observe and see bodies and confidently make some basic hands on adjustments.
The importance of your voice as a tool to direct, create confidence and use appropriately.
How to develop confidence through practical teaching, giving and receiving feedback from teachers and students.
An introduction to ancient yoga history and philosophy including the Yoga Sutras.
An introduction into the subtle body, Ayurveda, meridians, chakras and meditation.
Sanskrit names of postures and their etymology.
Ethics of a yoga teacher and yoga as a business.
About yourself, and how to be the authentic you as a teacher
$4,400 NZD