Clinical Components
Clinical Hours
To complete the Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Diploma all students must complete the clinical component of the program in full.
The clinical component of the program accounts for 239 hours across the full one year of study. These hours are comprised of clinical consultation practice and real life application with multiple outside clients, hands-on practice sessions, and three weekend long workshops.
Students must also achieve over 80% on the midterm and over 90% on the final practical exams.
All components are mandatory, and must be completed in order to obtain the FNTP credential, and Diploma.
The Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner program (FNTP) requires that students complete three workshop weekends and multiple practical sessions, during the academic term to practice interactive clinical evaluation skills and master course content.
The clinical skillset involves a dynamic hands-on assessment tool (Functional Clinical Assessment) that requires extensive practical training. To obtain sufficient clinical hours, FNTP students must attend all workshop weekends and complete all pre and post workshop practical sessions.
Attendance and completion of all workshops and practical sessions is mandatory to obtain the Diploma qualification.
Note: Students attending virtually will be required to supply their own practice bodies for all days of workshop to satisfy the clinical component. -
At NTA AU/NZ honouring each person’s bio-individuality is our most important philosophy, and as such we respect everyone’s right to health privacy and their own unique needs. As an organisation we are committed to inclusivity, honouring human rights, and respecting each human sovereign being. As such workshops are now run in a hybrid format, with students able to choose between in person/main centres, regional small groups or virtual attendance.
See attendance preferences below for specifics. -
In Person/ Main Centres | this is subject to numbers, personal health requirement preferences and current travel/ health mandate restrictions.
Regional Small Groups | This is subject to localised support and personal health requirement preferences.
Virtual Groups | no travel requirement, students will all require a practice body (i.e. family member/friend) for all days of workshops.
You will be asked to select your attendance preference on your registration application.
Whether you are attending in person, in regional small groups, or by way of virtual attendance, every student will need the following workshop tools.
Blood Pressure Cuff
Massage Table
Nutrient Test Kit
You will not need these tools until the first workshop (around six months into the program). You will be provided more details once enrollment is confirmed, and again from your Instructors in the classroom.
The Nutrient Test Kit is a requirement for all students to complete the hands-on clinical component, the Functional Clinical Assessment. We require all students to purchase the NTA AU/NZ Nutrient Test Kit for the purposes of the training of this skillset.
Nutrient Test Kits’s are $560 AUD, excluding shipping and GST (if applicable). The Nutrient Test Kit can be prepaid with your registration, or purchased when the ordering window opens closer to workshop one.
Students may only use the NTA AU/NZ Nutrient Test Kit to ensure ingredient safety. Use of any other professional test kits must be pre-approved by the Lead Instructor prior to use in clinical work and at workshops
It’s not just about Wellness - it’s about Wholeness.