Explore the next phase of your journey…to move upward is to move inward
Apply to Mentor
There is no better way to learn than to teach, and being a Mentor provides ample opportunities to learn, teach, and refine one’s knowledge and skills.
We need the support of wonderful FNTP graduates! If you are interested in helping other students be successful and deepening your knowledge, and are an FNTP graduate, we encourage you to apply to be a Mentor.

Post-Grad Training
Are you looking to continue your education or expand your skills and services for your clients?
We've made it easy by compiling a list of the latest postgraduate trainings in functional nutrition from around the world. As an NTA AU/NZ student or graduate, you can register for these programs..
Prospective students can bundle any of the advanced trainings into their tuition, including when selecting payment plans.
Students are then eligible to enroll in their selected training(s) after graduating from the FNTP Diploma program. -
Graduates of the FNTP program can register for any of the advanced trainings listed at any time.
Diploma Upgrade
FNTP graduates who previously received a certification prior to 2020 can now upgrade to Diploma status. This qualification is recognised in Australia by the Australian Committee of Complementary Therapies for TGA Practitioner status. International Graduates are required to enquire with relevant professional accrediting bodies with their country as to whether this qualification will be recognised.
Energetic Test Kits
We are now offering a variety of Energetic Test Kits for graduates to elevate their practice.
We have compiled a range of kits in different sizes covering different systems/areas of health, from probiotics/binders, antimicrobials, to immune supports, to emotional kits and one for environmental factors. Custom designed Kits are also available, allowing you to create a kit that suits your needs best. Price on application for custom kits.
Trainings are available to support you with the Self Testing process, and also specified trainings for each of the Kits if needed. For further support one on one consultations with our expert will be available.
FNTP Website Offer
Are you ready to give your business a unique online presence? We are now offering a pre built Website just for FNTP’s. This plug and play site, will get you up and running in as little as two weeks, with full options to customise to your unique voice.