Articles to Empower

Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP

Research Round-Up

Here is your round up of the latest health research news from around the world.  Our monthly research round ups are compiled by Lead Instructor and Program Director Leanne Scott, FNTP.

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Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP

Research Round-Up

Here is your round up of the latest health research news from around the world.  Our monthly research round ups are compiled by Lead Instructor and Program Director Leanne Scott, FNTP.

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Vodcast Katy Smith Vodcast Katy Smith

The Mind & Bio-Individual Healing

On todays vodcast, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner Donna Beech explores the role the role the mind and bio-individuality plays in achieving our health goals.

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Detoxification Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP Detoxification Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP

Natural Elimination of Heavy Metals

"Heavy metals” are naturally occurring elements found somewhere in our universe, possibly on our planet, and maybe even in our bodies! Because our bodies have been exposed to heavy metals since the beginning of our time on earth, they have developed numerous mechanisms to keep these minerals/metals in check.

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Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP

Research Round-Up

Here is your round up of the latest health research news from around the world.  Our monthly research round ups are compiled by Lead Instructor and Program Director Leanne Scott, FNTP.

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Conditions, Supplementation Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP Conditions, Supplementation Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP

Anaemia? Why iron supplements aren't always the answer

So you’ve recently found out the reason for your headaches and tiredness is because you have anaemia. You grab an iron supplement from the pharmacy and start taking this right away. Except, maybe you don’t start feeling better.
When it comes to anaemia, there are a few additional things to consider and some important reasons why that iron supplement might not be working for you

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Vodcast Katy Smith Vodcast Katy Smith

Can You Catch a Cold?

Daniel Roytas has qualifications in naturopathy and human nutrition. In late 2022, Daniel resigned from his position as a Senior Lecturer after becoming disillusioned with the curriculum he was teaching. This allowed him to focus on other projects such as his book "Can You Catch A Cold? Untold History & Human Experiments" which was published in March of 2024.

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Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP

Research Round Up

Here is your round up of the latest health research news from around the world.  Our monthly research round ups are compiled by Lead Instructor and Program Director Leanne Scott, FNTP.

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Clinical Skillset Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP Clinical Skillset Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP

Why Health Practitioners Seek Out Our Training

NTA’s Functional Clinical Assessment Skillset is one of the many reasons Health Practitioners such as Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Naturopaths, Nutritionists, Health Coaches, Personal Trainers, Nurses, Psychologists and Physicians seeking to expand their functional or integrative knowledge seek our program.

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Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP

Research Round Up

Here is your round up of the latest health research news from around the world.  Our monthly research round ups are compiled by Lead Instructor and Program Director Leanne Scott, FNTP.

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Nutrient Dense Diet, Healthy Fats Nutritional Therapy Association Inc. Nutrient Dense Diet, Healthy Fats Nutritional Therapy Association Inc.

What is the Healthiest Cooking Oil?

This guide will help you determine which fats and oils are safest to include in your favorite recipes and which are unsafe to consume at all. Fats and oils are categorized by Safest, Safe, Unsafe for Cooking, and Unsafe for Consuming. We hope this guide helps you choose the right kind of fats and oils to cook you and your family's meals with.

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Blood Sugar Balance Nutritional Therapy Association Inc. Blood Sugar Balance Nutritional Therapy Association Inc.

How to Avoid the Mid-Day Crash & Keep your Blood Sugar Under Control

We live in an environment where stress is never ending. To the brain, an urgent email from the boss can cause the same stress response as a bear threatening your life! Anytime we experience stress, our body reacts and goes into fight or flight mode. When this happens, our blood sugar levels rise.

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Blood Sugar Balance, Conditions Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP Blood Sugar Balance, Conditions Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP

Can We Turn Diabetes Around?

Changes in your diet and lifestyle can make a huge difference on whether you do develop T2 diabetes and for those diagnosed – it is possible to even reverse your condition. We are not our genetic destiny – most diseases are a result of the epigenetic effects of diet and lifestyle.

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Nutrient Dense Diet Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP Nutrient Dense Diet Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP

Lunchbox Strategies

I'm a big believer in keeping things simple and being efficient – we all have too much to do. I don't want to spend much time preparing lunch day after day for 180 days, so here's how to hack whole food school lunches:

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Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP

Research Round-Up

Here is your round up of the latest health research news from around the world.  Our monthly research round ups are compiled by Lead Instructor and Program Director Leanne Scott, FNTP.

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Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP Research News Leanne Scott | FNTP, DipFNT, IHS, FDNP, RWP, BCHN, BAppSc, A-CFMP

Research Round Up

Here is your round up of the latest health research news from around the world.  Our monthly research round ups are compiled by Lead Instructor and Program Director Leanne Scott, FNTP.

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