Reading Resources
Core Reading
Students are required to read the core reading texts to complete their FNTP Diploma. Depending on the module and book in question, you may be asked to read some books from beginning to end, and only specific sections of others.
The required reading materials can be purchased at any major bookstore or online book retailer. Many books are also available as e-copies, and some as audio books.
Upon acceptance of your registration you will be provided with a Jumpstart Guide that outlines your Core Reading Texts, Recommended Readings and everything else you need to prepare for class.
Extra Recommended Reading
Before you read another health study, check who's funding the research
I asked 8 researchers why the science of nutrition is so messy. Here’s what they said.
'No evidence' having high levels of bad cholesterol causes heart disease
Study suggests cancer to be a metabolic disorder rather than a genetic disease
Dr. Zoë Harcombe : 'Should dietary fat guidelines have been introduced?'
Campbell, A.W., 2014, ‘Autoimmunity and the Gut’, US National Library of Medicine
Diamond, David, Bikman, Benjamin T; Mason, Paul 2022, Statin therapy is not warranted for a person with high LDL-cholesterol on a low-carbohydrate diet
You W, et al. 2022. Total Meat Intake is Associated with Life Expectancy: A Cross-Sectional Data Analysis of 175 Contemporary Populations.
Fasano, A., Sapone, A., Zevallos, V. and Schuppan, D., 2015. 'Nonceliac gluten sensitivity'. Gastroenterology
Rubio-Tapia, A., Hill, I.D., Kelly, C.P., Calderwood, A.H. and Murray, J.A., 2013. 'ACG clinical guidelines: diagnosis and management of celiac disease'. The American journal of gastroenterology
Watad, A., David, P., Brown, S. and Shoenfeld, Y., 2017. 'Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants and thyroid autoimmunity.' Frontiers in Endocrinology
Leonard, M.M. and Vasagar, B., 2014. 'US perspective on gluten-related diseases'. Clinical and experimental gastroenterology
Campbell, A.W., 2014, ‘Autoimmunity and the Gut’, US National Library of Medicine
Konijeti, G.G., 2017, 'Efficacy of the Autoimmune Protocol Diet for Inflammatory Bowel Disease', US National Library of Medicine
Ravnskov, U, 2018, 'LDL-C does not cause cardiovascular disease: a comprehensive review of the current literature', Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology
Irish, A.K., 'Randomized control trial evaluation of a modified Paleolithic dietary intervention in the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a pilot study', Degenerative Neurological and Neuromuscular Disease » Volume 7, Dove Press
Epidemic Answers – A List of Research Papers
Dugani, SB et al. 2021 Association of Lipid, Inflammatory, and Metabolic Biomarkers With Age at Onset for Incident Coronary Heart Disease in Women
Mansi, AI et al. 2021 Association of Statin Therapy Initiation with Diabetes Progression A Retrospective Matched-Cohort Study. JAMA Intern Med. Published online October 4, 2021
González-Saldivar. G et al. 2017 Skin Manifestations of Insulin Resistance: From a Biochemical Stance to a Clinical Diagnosis and Management.
Valk, R et al. 2022 Saturated fat: villain and bogeyman in the development of cardiovascular disease?
Alami, F et al. 2022, The effect of a fruit-rich diet on liver biomarkers, insulin resistance, and lipid profile in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomized clinical trial.
Hill, ER et al. 2022, Red and processed meat intakes and cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus: An umbrella systematic review and assessment of causal relations using Bradford Hill’s criteria.
Ben-Dor, M et al 2021, The evolution of the human trophic level during the Pleistocene
Ning Ding et al. 2022, Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Incident Hypertension in Multi-Racial/Ethnic Women: The Study of Women's Health Across the Nation. Hypertension
Fuentes, B et al. 2022, Bed Sharing Versus Sleeping Alone Associated with Sleep Health and Mental Health.
Danan, A et al. 2022, The Ketogenic Diet for Refractory Mental Illness: A Retrospective Analysis of 31 Inpatients.
Sethi, S and Ford, JM 2022, The Role of Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy on the Brain in Serious Mental Illness: A Review
Healing with Whole Foods | Paul Pitchford
Worlds Healthiest Foods | George Mateljan
The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods | Michael Myrray, N.D., Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., Lara Pizzorno, M.A., L.M.T
Pottenger's Prophecy | Gray Graham
The Color of Food: Stories,of Race, Resilience and Farming | Natasha Bowens
The Nourished Kitchen: Farm-to-Table Recipes for the Traditional Foods Lifestyle | Jennifer McGruther
Animal Moves: How to move like an animal to get you leaner, fitter, stronger and healthier for life | Darryl Edwards
Cows Save the Planet | Judith D. Schwartz
Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Essential Guide to Understanding the Human Body | Xu Xiangcai
Ayurveda: Life, Health, and Longevity | Robert Svoboda
Why Warriors Lie Down and Die | Richard Trudgen
Eat Naked | Margaret Floyd, NTP, CHFS, HHC
Why Some Like it Hot: Food, Genes and Cultural Diversity | Gary Nabhan
Dr. Jensen's Guide to Better Bowel Care | Dr. Bernard Jensen
Digestive Wellness | Elizabeth Lipsky
Dangerous Grains | James Braly, Ron Hogan & Jonathan Wright
Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia | Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, M.D.
The Second Brain | Michael D. Gershon, M.D.
Life Without Bread | C. B. Allen, PhD, W. Lutz, M.D.
Sugar Blues | William Dufty
Caffeine Blues | Stephen Cherniske
Primal Body-Primal Mind | Nora Gedgaudas, CNS, NTP
Pottenger's Cats | Francis Pottenger, Jr., M.D.
Effect of Heat-Processed Foods | Francis Pottenger, Jr., M.D. (request the study)
Protein Power | Michael & Mary Dan Eades, M.D.'s
Eat Fat, Lose Fat | Mary Enig, Ph.D and Sally Fallon
Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill | Udo Erasmus
Water the Ultimate Cure | Steven Meyerowitz
Body Type Diet | Elliot D. Abravanel, M.D.
Our Stolen Future | T. Colborn, D. Dumanoski, J. Myers
Oxytocin Factor | Moberg, Francis & Uvnas-Moberg
The Pulse Test | Arthur Coca
The Homocysteine Revolution | Kilmer S. McCully, MD
The Crazy Makers | Carol Simontacchi
The Detox Book | Bruce Fife
The Fast Track Detox | Ann Louise Gittleman
Herb, Nutrient and Drug Interaction | Mitch Stargrove
The Nutrition Solution | Harold J. Kristal, D.D.S. and James M Haig, N.C.
Fast Food Nation | Eric Schlosser
Fat Flush Plan | Ann Louise Gittleman, M.S., C.N.S.
Metabolic Typing Diet | William Wolcott & Trish Fahey
Brain Energy | Christopher M Palmer
Break the Mold | Dr. Jill Crista
Drop Acid | Dr David Perlmutter
Legal Guidelines for Unlicensed Practitioners | Dr. Lawrence Wilson
The Small Business Owner's Manual | Joe Kennedy
How to Open or Improve A Successful Alternative Health Care Practice | Theodore W. Robinson
How to Succeed as a Small Business Owner and Still Have a Life! | Bill Collier
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity | David Allen
Networking Magic | Rick Frishman & Jill Lublin
The Art of the Start: A Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything | Guy Kawaski
Better Than Before: What I Learned About Making and Breaking Habits | Gretchen Rubin
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